Drug and Alcohol Interventions are what we specialize in. At West Coast Interventions, we have the pleasure of providing the best in the industry of drug and alcohol interventions and addiction recovery. We work directly with the leading treatment centres in Canada in order to provide the best options of treatment. Our attention to detail, dedicated service and real life experience is what differentiates us from the rest of the industry.
Drug and Alcohol Interventions and Addiction Recovery
Firstly, now is the time for the family and friends to join together in an effort to save a life. Whether the individual is on the brink of death or simply just not living their best life, the impact of creating change is immense.
Secondly, this is the time for everyone to become a cohesive unit and set firm boundaries. We will explain that there will be serious consequences for the actions of the addict from here on out. In other words, the reckless, obsessive, destructive behaviour will no longer be tolerated.
Above all, this is ultimatum time. It becomes too difficult for everyone to facilitate this process on their own because the addicted family member has learned how to manipulate and control. More importantly, people become hostage to the addictive behaviour. After all, addiction is a family disease. In conclusion, this is the cycle we are here to change for your family and struggling loved one.

Treatment Centres and Addiction Recovery
At West Coast Interventions, we work directly with Canada’s leading and largest treament faciity in order to facilitate the best experience for our clients and their families. We have developed a partnership over the years with Together We Can Drug & Alcohol Recovery and Addiction Society for the sole purpose that our clients are in the right hands at these facilities. Additionally, we are here to provide follow-up case management.